Behind the Words with Sizzling Hot Mystery Romance Author, G.S. Bailey

My guest on Author Spotlight is a pillar of the Alliance of Self Published Authors, writer of sizzling hot mystery romance novels, and other genres, G.S. Bailey.

Guy, thanks for letting me invade your time. So.... let's get to know the man behind the writer, eh?

You write Romance, why did you choose a genre dominated by women?

When it comes to the things that get your heart thumping with anticipation & exhilaration... to me, romance is top of the list. The high points in my life all had something to do with finding and experiencing love in a relationship – the emotion, that is. And since we can go anywhere, be anyone and do anything in a story, well, I wanted to go there.... again and again. It's a nice bonus to be able to take readers along for the ride.... But, with that said, pure romance gets a bit mushy and over-the-top for my taste. I prefer to just use it as the kicker. I try to write mystery, light horror and erotica, and to supercharge the stories with romance.

I can see why you'd enjoy escaping into the stories you create. LOL
What should readers expect from your books?

It's easy to step into the shoes of my characters if you're looking for a getaway. I mostly stick with ordinary men and women, average middle-class types – aiming to give them a boost or perhaps a roller-coaster ride..... The getaway I try for often includes a visit to Australia. This is a lightly populated country and kind of out of the way, so the vast majority of readers may never come here. It's a nice place to visit as a character in my story.... and have unexpected adventurous Sex! This is usually on the agenda for my readers, to spice up the romance. Again, I try to put the reader into the shoes of the character with this, or into their skin in this case, with a pretty clear picture of what's happening.... I like to add a twist to the tale whenever I can, so hopefully there's a surprise or two to be found in most of my stories.... All those things, but in particular, I'm usually after the reader's heart strings.

Do you consider your books Erotica?

I certainly hope my books are, among other things, erotic. What I said about love and romance being top of the list – well, isn't lust and sex a wonderful dessert to go with that main course? Aside from all the stuff about it being natural and beautiful and a glorious way to bond and connect, it's also frigging hot and exciting. There's no question in my mind whether or not I'll be adding an erotic component to a story. The only question for me is... how steamy can I go without overpowering the rest of the plot? I’d say there’s another level to go to before a book is essentially erotica, rather than just erotic. It's more focused on the sex rather than the romance, in my opinion. My published books are not erotica. But I do have unpublished books that take the extra step into that genre.

I think your books are very classy, even with the erotic content. It's just the right blend of mushy and exciting. Let's get a little personal.... Can you compare yourself with the strong, hot, sexy male characters in your stories? Do you identify with them?

The strong, hot, sexy male characters in my stories? Ha! Taught them everything they know. LOL. That is to say, my heroes are entirely born and bred in my imagination, not borrowed from other books or Hollywood or somewhere. They're supposed to be ordinary blokes who treat women well and are reasonably skillful in lovemaking. Although I'm probably guilty of crediting some of them with more prowess and understanding than they would typically have at such a young age... As for an actual comparison with me – oh I don't know... Perhaps I should write some over 40's romances :)

I think you'd have a large audience for that, Guy. Hahaha
What's on your mind when you write steamy scenes? Do you go deep into it or do you detach yourself emotionally?

Titillation is on my mind when writing steamy scenes. I think I get into the moment pretty well (no, not like that – just in trying to get a feel for the scene... no, I mean like a mental picture but in 3D). LOL. Seriously though, the man’s part is easy. Trying to imagine how things are working for the heroine is challenging, especially considering the potential scrutiny since most readers of romance novels are female.... I think I get that detailed mental picture of what's happening, and try to describe it in simple physical terms (erotic rather than clinical), avoiding too much elaboration of feelings and thoughts, leaving a lot of that for the reader to imagine… I’d call that attached emotionally and fairly deep into it, but understating the description.

I do agree that on steamy scenes, telling is better than showing.... it just works. Straight and descriptive. :)

Who is the real G.S. Bailey? Tell us more about the man, not the writer.

Geez that's a question! G.S. Bailey, the man, hasn't always measured up so well in my opinion. A big part of 'the man' is family, and I have not done well in that regard. Not up to the standard of other family men around me. Moving on to my second marriage of 12 years, I'm standing proud as men go. I'm a rock – potential story book hero material.... As a person, I'm going to claim the highest possible mark for having always been kind and genuine. Otherwise, I’m too much of a romantic for my own good, both in terms of romance (a sucker) and romanticizing (a silly pipe-dreamer, more intelligent than smart).

I don't see anything wrong with a man being a sucker for romance. We women need more of those around. When you're not writing, what do you enjoy doing?

That’s easy. Big screen action flicks. Rugby League on TV and the occasional live game. Classic rock videos… Work is physical and writing saps the brain. It’s good to kick back with my feet up and just enjoy without having to think… I also like to dance. When this writing gig starts paying off and I can give up the day job, I’m moving to a spot between the rugby stadium, 3D cinema and ballroom dance club. Heaven!

LOL. A romantic ballroom dancer. You're a leftover from a bygone era! Well, I can tell you that there aren't many of you around anymore. So be proud.

What do you like in a woman, Guy?

Hmm. The characteristics of my leading ladies all appeal to me. There’s a fairly broad range, but that tantalizing switch between strong-willed and submissive is pretty much always there… I like to be expected to lead while dancing, etc.

Interesting. A strong, romantic and imaginative man who loves ballroom dancing... and live games and action flicks. That's an attractive mix of soft and hard.

What's your plan for the rest of the year? Do you have more books in the pipeline? Tell us about them.

I’m about to release quite a few new books, all in a rush: A steamy beach romance/thriller called Pacific Fire & a spooky little romance called Haunted Hook-up, both co-written a few years ago with a good friend, author Simone Beaudelaire. The remaining 3 volumes of the Mystery loves Romance series are well advanced, and will be out before Christmas. More love stories. The deeper mystery underpinning the whole series will come to the surface in volume 4, due for release on July.

I also have a couple of erotic romance novellas that I’m thinking of putting out there. These have a definite erotic focus and take the heat up a notch or two above anything else I’ve published… All in all a busy second half of the year planned.

That's great news, Guy. Looking forward to the rest of the Mystery Loves Romance Series.
Since, I've already read your erotic romance novellas (lucky me!), I must join the voices in your head who says... Release them! They're as hot as the books of Maya Banks, but classier... if that makes any sense. 

That wraps it up. Thanks Guy and thanks to all who sat and gossiped with us.

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